Learn what energizes, motivates, and engages you.

The purpose of this self-assessment is to help you determine which skills to focus on for future development. Download the Excel File to your computer and click "Enable Editing" (if asked) to complete the self-assessment.

Step 1

Rank yourself on a scale of 1-5 (1= little or no extent, 5 = to a great extent) that best indicates the extent to which each statement is true for you.  Factor into your rating how your employees would answer these questions on your performance.  Give yourself an honest appraisal of how you are now, not how you would like to be. Your rankings will automatically score in the ANSWER SHEET (2nd tab).

Step 2

After you have completed the ranking.  Look at the "Answer Sheet" tab and identify the 3-5 areas in which you feel you  EXCEL and the 3-5 areas in which you need FURTHER DEVELOPMENT. Instructions continued on the Answer Sheet.

Step 3

 Meet with your Manager and discuss your view of your strengths and development areas.  Together determine specific skills, knowledge areas and/or behaviors you will develop.  Agree upon the learning you want to gain and demonstrate from experience, exposure and/or education.

Step 4

Review courses of training offerings and select those that link to your development areas. Enroll in classes @  http://www.smcgov.org/LMS